Engaged employees work harder, perform better and stay longer. They serve customers better, enjoy their work more, and feel more positive about their work and their employer. An effective sales incentive program will increase employee engagement; thus, it will improve performance, customer experience, retention and a wealth of other elements that lead to factors of business success, such as loyalty and ROI.
Here are a few suggestions on how to build engagement with your employees.
Sharing your experiences and expectations with your employees allows them to be a part of the company’s future. Providing employees with examples of exemplary behaviours and guiding them towards the company’s goals to be accomplished will help them prepare for short and long term goals.
Disclosing company information and being open to employee questions will build trust in the company and unite moral values with an individual. This will create a sense of worth for the employee that will carry over through their dedication to your mission.
Encourage Innovation
Being open and encouraging employees to supply feedback demonstrates your appreciation, respect and value of their opinions or recommendations. Employees may have previous experience with a client, offer areas for improvement or be able to manage a process better.
Trust in leadership
Trust can be shattered instantly when management suddenly change direction or break promises. Building trust is a slower process. Management build trust by developing a clear vision of the company’s future and communicating this to all employees.
Being thanked for a job well done is rewarding and welcoming to employees. Being recognised by peers for going the extra mile which leads to a level of success, is a fantastic emotional motivational tool, making it personal. When the goals and aspirations of the company and of individual teams or groups are reflected in the criteria for personal recognition everyone succeeds.
Unfortunately, there is no secret formula, no set calculation or work sheet to fill out. In fact, motivation is individual; one employee may be motivated by money, another by travel while another by recognition for a job well done. However, you can boil down employee motivation to one basic ideal: ask your employees what motivates them to succeed and find a way to deliver it.
Track results. Identify the best approaches and share the approaches that worked. Take time to resolve issues and problems. Never stop asking, enquiring, challenging, and improving.
Posted on Friday, 17 May 2013 by Melissa Jelfs