When was the last time you took time out to learn some people skills? Let’s face it, we can all improve our listening, feedback and recognition skills.
Simply give it
Learn to give recognition without keeping score or expecting someone to recognise you in return and make appreciating people a way of life.
Validate people’s actions
Learn to identify and value the contributions that people are really making to you, others, and the company versus simply what they are “doing”.
Putting people first
Learn to make appreciating people for who they are as equally, or more important, as recognising them for what they do or achieve.
Build people up
Learn that recognition is all about relationships so develop qualities of authenticity, humility and respect into how you give people recognition.
Give more feeling
Learn that, in the end, recognition is always a felt phenomenon and not something transacted, so put more feeling into what you say and do.
Posted on Tuesday, 22 April 2014 by Melissa Jelfs